The Organized Life is a lovely and simple book offering quick, easy-to-reference advice to help you take control of your clutter so you can live every day with less stress and more free time. The organizing tips in this book are straight forward and practical and are presented on colorful pages that are pleasing to the eye and easy to read. As I said before I really do love how it is written in short snippets that I can read in quick bursts as I have the time. The tips are conveniently compiled into categories making it easy to find tips relevant to whatever space you are tackling in your home at the time. Each category contains quotes, checklists and easy-to-follow guidelines for organizing every part of your life, including:
Paper piles
Grocery shopping
Home office
Closets & clothes
Kitchen & pantry
Holiday shopping & storage
Bedroom & bathroom
Let me share a few tidbits from the book:
The key to fitting in a major undertaking is to realize it's nothing but the sum of several small tasks. Change your mind-set from "I have only fifteen minutes, I can't start anything," to "I have fifteen minutes, what one small piece of this project can I complete?" If an endeavor seems long in duration, break it down in your mind. Instead of swimming thirty laps, think of it as swimming ten laps three times.
Have one set of cleaning products stored in each bathroom so it's convenient to disinfect at any point in time.
Getting organized is not about getting rid of your memories. It's about making them more accessible.
Here are some sample pages from the book so you can see just how fun the colors are. I know they are hard to read but if you want a closer look and to learn more about the author click on over here.

Suzanne of Let's Talk Organizing from Arizona was the originator of this fun little book excursion and you can follow the book here. I'm going to keep the trend going by sending it on to Melissa from Breath of Life. How did I pick Melissa you ask? Well on my previous post about the book Melissa wrote this comment that made me laugh when I read it:
Everyone said they want to hear what you’ve got to say…I just want you to pass the book to me! It really does look interesting & useful!
You've got it Melissa, the book will be on it's way to Virgina next week. It'll be fun to see where it goes from there.
For the rest of you, Stephanie Denton has offered to giveaway an additional copy of her book to one of my readers. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post by Tuesday, November 20th at 12:00 pm and I'll announce the winner shortly thereafter. Winner will be selected by random generator.
Good luck and thanks to Stephanie for a great book!!
PS: I'll also be adding a copy of this book to the 30 Day Organizational Challenge prize list. It's not too late to join!
Defently enter me. Im a clutter bug and its a bad habit Im desperately trying to mend. Ill add you to my contest blog later tonight too :)
Please enter me. It looks like a great read!
I would love to have a copy of this. I'm trying to get my house organized while hubby is away...
What a neat book. I could use something like this in my life!! Please enter me.
I can't wait :-)
Enter me please!
I would also like to be entered. Thanks for the opportunity!
Michelle M.
i'd love to be part of this reading and mailing it on to someone else. I've been trying but get discouraged. this may help!
Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! It sounds great!
This would be a great thing to have! Please enter me!
Oh, I would love this!
We just moved the end of June, and it feels like I just cannot get quite organized yet!
ooh! this book sounds great. it will be going on my christmas list if I don't get lucky ;)
I could use this book.
Pick me! Pick me!! :D
I'd like to enter the contest too!
I could so use this book!!!
This looks like a great book - I could definitely use some organization in my life right now!
An organization book I can read in snippets? Count me in!
Sounds awesome. I hope I win!
snippets are my favorite things to read.... :)
Count me in for the giveaway contest! :)
It sounds like a great book! Please count me in! Thanks!!:-)
Sounds like a book for me.
Hope I win.
COunt me in!
blogged ya: http://laurawilliamsmusings.blogspot.com/2007/11/thursday-edition-of-contests-galore_15.html
Hope it's me.
jkolsubs (at) gmail (dot) com
Count me in!!
Organization is not my strong suit. Please enter me!
Please add me, I am really trying to get organized, my life is in chaos.
Please enter me into your giveaway!!!
Gosh me too.. I have just found this site and am am trying to find may way throughmy house with the help of org junkie and fly lady...
hope I can greab this!
I think I need this....
I would love this!
please enter me! I could use all the help offered!
I love your blog!
Sounds like a great read, count me in please!
I would love to get my hands on a copy of this book.
i would love this book!!
Enter me please! I need to get my library to start buying these kind of books!
I'm interested in the book, too!
Veggiemomof2, tell your local librarian of specific titles you are interested in (if possible, hand him or her a list with author and title). Most librarians love to get suggestions -- I know, I am one!
I'd love to have a copy of this book!
This is such a must have for me...sign me up, Please!
this looks like an awesome book!
Are people without a good place to keep even one little book allowed to enter a drawing for a book on organizing? I could really use the help. And if you ever give away a home makeover be sure to let me know!
Looks like a great book! Please enter me.
just what i need to help keep me organized. please enter me!
Sounds like a winner to me!
I would love to win this book!
I would love this book!
We are working on decluttering, so this book would be very helpful!
I could use this book :)
Oh, oh pick me!!
I can use this book...either way winning or buying it, it will be in my library...
This would be a great gift for my sister-in-law, who is always complaining about being disorganized
Enter me! If I don't win, I'll cyber stalk Melissa and see if she will send it to me.
What a great book! I am always looking for ways to make my house cleaner and more organized. Thanks!
One can never have too many organizing books. Sign me up.
Great Please sign me up!
jcollaird at aol.com
Oh! Enter me! Enter me! I am addicted to organizing...okay, I WISH I was addicted to organizing, I think I am more addicted to reading about organizing and finding new ideas. I plan on starting my big organizing plan next week when I get all the Christmas stuff out. Anything I don't put up this year I am getting rid of. I have way too much crud stored away that I never display.
Me! Me! Me!
I'm trying to organize my house while I am on maternity leave. (yeah - I'm crazy). This book would be a big help!
I'd love to win! I used to think of myself as an organized person, but with a larger house to manage, my bad habits are sneaking up on me!
I can't tell you how much this book would do for me! I'm terrible at organizing the larger aspects but micro-organize some other areas. Vicious circle...
After reading your last few posts about Peter Walsh on Oprah, you have given me the courage to tackle my sewing room. It is full to the brim. I want to keep much of it, but there is plenty that I will never complete. I need to be honest about it and just donate a lot of my "stuff"
Thanks for helping,
Sarah in Houston
Okay Laura...you've got my attention! It looks like a good read! Plus I could use all the HELP I can get as my time is now somewhat BUSY!!!! I uae to have hours to do what I wanted when and now I am finding EVERYTHING a challenge!! I could use more hints and tips like 15 mins tackle small! Basically I'm saying ENTER ME PLEASE!
I'd love to win, I so need this! The book looks great :)
This sounds like a great book. I would love it.
This sounds fantastic! Please enter me also!
I'd love an organizing book! My house could definitely use it. ;)
I've been feeling less-than-on-top-of-things lately. Maybe this would help.
What a fabulous giveaway!
I could use all the help I can get!
Mmmm . . . sounds like a great book!! I would love it!
Ooo...would love to read this...please enter me! Thanks!
Thank you for entering me in your giveaway.
Tasha at new4younow@hotmail.com
With Christmas coming I need help organizing the kids stuff before more stuff arrives! I could really use this book!
Please enter me. It looks like a great read!
With 3 young children I need as much help as I can get! Please enter me.
Wow! This is just what one disorganized mom needs! Come on lucky generator.
Oh Laura, this books sounds wonderful! I could definitely use it, and I know 4 kiddos and a wonderful, ever-so-patient hubby that would be forever grateful! :)
Count me in. I am on a cleaning and organizing spree, and I need some inspiration to keep me focused. We do NOT want to get to the point where we need Peter Walsh around here, LOL:)
I want to enter too! I'm an organizing addict!
Did I already enter? I can't remember! That's why I go by the blog name "forgetfulone."
i thought you gave this away already. I'd love to read and pass on. thanks.
Laura, I just found your blog today, and love it. I am "organizationally challenged", but do enjoy the fruits of working at it. I have an 18 year-old daughter who likes to organize, too. I think we both would enjoy the book, so please enter me in the giveaway.
I love your blog!
Please with 3 litte ones under 5 I need this book to keep me sane!! :)
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