Wednesday, August 13, 2008

List Plan It

Updated: This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to our winners, Jessica from Life as Mom and Fenella from Owen & Brando!!

Are you feeling overwhelmed with life?

Are you having trouble remembering everything you have to do with so much on the go?

Are you stressed?

Then maybe it's time for what I affectionately call a brain dump.

Take all that information that you have swirling around in your head to do, to make, to take, to go, to buy, to schedule, to plan and get it all down on paper. Once it's down on paper you don't have to exhaust yourself trying to remember it all anymore.

Lists are the ultimate brain dumping tool. Rather than having one great big running list of everything though why not have a variety of lists to help you group and organize the various tasks you have to accomplish.

Yet maybe the thought of creating all those lists seems overwhelming in itself to you.

Not to worry because Jennifer of List Plan It can help you with that.

With a membership to this site you will never want for another list again. My gosh there is a directory of over 300 printable lists and planning pages!! Every list imaginable to help you get organized, now that's what I call service.

The membership fee for a three month subscription, which allows you access to all these lists, is only $9.95. That's a great deal. However if you'd rather not commit to a 3 month subscription Jennifer also offers another great option.

Downloadable ePlanners group multiple lists in convenient category packages for you for only $4.95 each. For instance if you're only interested in lists to do with the organizing and managing of your home you could simply download the Home ePlanner and have access to all the applicable home lists instantly. Easy as that!

Jennifer's lists are easy to use and concise and I can't recommend them more highly for managing your house, your family and your life.

I'm happy to announce that TWO lucky readers will each win a 3 month subscription just by commenting on this post by Monday, August 18th at 6:00 pm pst. Good luck!!

Have you had a brain dump lately?



Anonymous said...

I could so take advantage of something like this! Nothing like more organization!

Anonymous said...

This sounds intriguing. Might even have to buy a membership...

Unknown said...

Looks really cool! I'm sitting at my desk trying to apply the Getting Things Done method to my life and having a bit of a struggle. Love more resources!

Denise said...

This sounds great (as did the scrapbook book, but I missed that- having just packed all my scrapbook stuff away because I was overwhelmed and didn't know how to organize it!) would love to try the list plan.

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! I'm constructing my own Home Management Binder and could use the help.

Jennifer said...

I would love to give this a try and see if it will help me out. It sounds like something that I could use.

nomo wino daph said...

OMGosh! I would LOVE this! I am all about getting organized as I am moving next week and downsizing a little...I need all the help I can get!!


flipflopsandpearls @

Tina said...

This is EXACTLY what I need right now. HELP!

Kim said...

This would be a great tool to help organize!!!!

Rachel V. said...

This would be wonderful to keep all my lists in one place instead of getting lost all over the house/car/office.

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

Oh this would be wonderful. With three active boys and another due to arrive in a couple of weeks, I could certainly use this!

SuperCoolMom said...

Lists keep me sane. Just getting it down on paper helps me to organize my thoughts and prioritize my schedule.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great site! Thanks for reviewing it.

Lindsey Alexander said...

I am a list junkie too! This would be great to help me organize my families life!

Jessica R. said...

What a great product! I'm going to check it all out thoroughly and make a list of the products I want. Heh.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love a good list! This is one of my new favorite sites!

Anonymous said...

I neeeeeeeeed this one! Organize me please. mlmiller76 @ yahoo

Anonymous said...

I would love to give this a try! It's just what I need! limajomo @ aol

Joni Wiedrich said...

I am a list junkie!!! I would love this. Thanks for the giveaway!

Cheri said...

How do people who DON'T use lists function? I would be so lost!

Crissybug said...

what an interesting idea! I would love a chance at winning. good luck to me. :)

Robin said...

I am headed back to work and can use all the help i can get!

Lisa said...

count me in!

Anonymous said...

OH! I could really use something like this!

Janet in Toronto said...

Looks cool!

Heidi said...

This is so cool! Definitely something I would use! :)

Abbey said...

Great concept and would be very useful!

Anonymous said...

Oh this would be awesome to win!
I will check out her site too.
thanks Laura

Anonymous said...

OOps didnt leave my email it wont let me leave my log in .

Krista said...

I love making lists!! My husband will ask me if I'm acting "stressed" if I need to go make a list! Isn't that the funniest thing you've ever heard?

Heather said...

Oh, I love new fresh ideas!

Ela said...

I need all the help I can get - especially since school is about to start and all of our routines have been relaxed for the last several months!

Anonymous said...

Lord knows I need the help! Sign me up!

Judy H. said...

Omigosh, great giveaway - help ME get organized and pick ME!!! Seriously, great giveaway - love your blog - so many awesome ideas!!! Judy H.

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect giveaway for a homeschooling mom of four like me! I'm so excited! Here's to hoping...

Cassandra said...

Lord help me I need to win this one!!! I SO need a brain dump. I am about to get frustrated with all I am trying to store in there and I am running out of ram! lol

Beth said...

I am constantly making lists and trying to organize my life and my lists. I hope I'm the lucky one!

Anonymous said...

brain? there is supposed to be a brain in there? my youngins are costantly telling me I need a bigger memory card, lol

blessings, Penny Raine

Unknown said...

I love lists! (Which means, yes, I would love to win this contest.)

Nicol said...

I love making list. It is one thing that I do well. Keeping those lists organized is a different story. This would be a great thing for me!

Hope to win! nicolmontero at gmail dot com

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

Sounds fabulous! I'd love to win this contest.

Donielle said...

I would love a place to put all these thoughts that are flying around in my poor overworked nogin!

Barbara said...

Pregnancy and a move have my brain needing to be dumped big time. This is right up my alley. A contest is great too.

Beth Cotell said...

I could really use a brain dump!

~*This Mama*~ said...

HA! With 5 kids and homeschooling, I NEED LISTS!

And I never win anything. This would be cool. =)

Selima said...

What a great giveway. I need help getting organized especially with going back to school. Selima

Sweetpeas said...

I think I'm addicted to forms & lists, I'd love to win this!

FishMama said...

Sounds great! I can't even imagine 300 forms and lists.

Charlene said...

I could truly use a brain dump these days. Hope I win it!

Anonymous said...

I love making lists, grocery list, to do list, to buy list etc.....This is great I just might check into a membership.

Anonymous said...

I love give aways and this sounds great.

MJ said...

Just last night I was putting together a list of categories I needed lists for!!! Oi, do I ever need this!
Thank you for developing this before I had to somehow figure it out for myself!

Anonymous said...

I totally need this! Count me in.

Harmony said...

What a great idea! Another way to make organization easier which is great for the naturally disorganized like me!

phoward336 said...

I love lists! Hope I'm the lucky winner!

Forgetfulone said...

Please pick me! I love lists and could really use hers, especially the way they are grouped and organized. I really want to win!

Anonymous said...

I am going right away to check out her site - I could definately use help in this department! Kim

Amy Fox said...

cool! :)
I need to be a better list person. I like making spreadsheet charts. hee hee


Beautiful Mommy Princess said...

Finally something to help. Your right I do need a brain dump. Thanks for offering this!

Tracy said...

I am a list maker. I live for lists. Can't wait to check out the site.

Wendy said...

I *adore* lists!! I'm headed to her site right now...will try to exercise a little impulse control until you post the winners *big grin*

Elizabeth said...

I am really needing something like this right now! I'm doing a home day care for three kids plus my own two and I need to get stuff organized before the outdoor toys come inside!

Amanda said...

Ohhh! What a great idea! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this! I've got the link open in another tab right now. I'm only a little bit of a list person but I could always use more organization skills. Or maybe just less procrastination.

Off to check it out...

Enjoy Birth said...

Sounds like a great resource! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

i'm a list enthusiast ;D

amy@flexibledreams said...

I could really use this!

Amanda said...

Oooh! This sounds great! With a new baby on the way next month I need all the organizing help I can get! :-)

Sisters Savings said...

This is exactly what I need..I was just thinking about this today. I have a 4 year old and know that I am in for that roller coaster of school, activities, sports, friends, etc. Please, it will help me be sane!!!

Hopefulmom said...

OOOh! What a perfect time of year for this, too...back to school. I love to get organized!

Ginny said...

I've been wanting a membership there, love to win one! Both my kids are in different schools this year, I really need to get organized & fast!

Anonymous said...

I could so use something like this! With four little boys in the house, and only one mommy to keep up with it all, maybe it would cut down on my mental clutter... :-)


Herzog Family said...

Sounds great! Very helpful and a great way to organize.

Lisa said...

Ditto, ditto, ditto!! With 4 kids, two schools, scouts, booster club, church... My brain is definitely a jumbled mess. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who needs this product! I am forever losing my lists, but I need to make them. Please enter me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like just the thing for me! I'm a list junkie, from wish lists for the home, pampering lists, shopping lists, to dos and more and more and more. . .

Mana Laura said...

Good evening! I love lists as well! But they're all written on top of each other so this sounds great. Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

Lindsay said...

Wow! That sounds awesome! I'd love to try this! Thanks for the giveaway!


Precision Quality Laser said...

I make lists, but they're usually on little scraps of paper...which get lost or thrown away...sigh. I could really use this! And as a mother of three under the age of five, I need all the memory help I can get!

Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

That sounds just fantastic!

Micha said...

This sounds really awesome. Who among us doesn't need a little organization help???

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I answered yes to all your questions. I have brain dump (if my brain is even functioning anymore). I could REALLY use this. I may have to enroll if I don't win.

Anonymous said...

That would be great to try.
tcmcgarvey at hotmail dot com

6 Happy Hearts said...

I so need a tool like this one w/4 babies & working from home : )
Thanks for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!! Lists are soooo helpful!

Kristen said...

This sounds great- at any given time I have about 4 notebooks full of lists going on. I LOVE lists!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE making lists (it's crossing things off of them that doesn't always happen).

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for something like this!

Anonymous said...

Oh!! This is just what I need!!!! I can already envision how "together" every thing could be with lists....thanks!

Jen said...

oh, my, it's a list-maker's dream!!!

Heather said...

this would be amazing. I work two-three jobs (one being housesitting- very flexible) and go to grad school and I frequently need a good "brain dump!"

Anonymous said...

Boy I could use this. I am the queen of lists!

Kari said...

This is an amazing product! I would love to win!

KD said...

No, I haven't had a good brain dump lately and I would love to have one. Hm, I would love to win this giveaway! :D Thank you.

Pennie said...

What an awesome idea! Thanks for letting us know about the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love lists! This is one of the main things I'm teaching my children: Put it on a list, and the job's half done!

Pam said...

i'm one of the most disorganized people ever! i could so use this! :)

nellbe said...

Sounds like the perfect thing for me. Thanks Laura.(and Jennifer!)

Misti said...

I'd love to give this a try! I could sure use it.

Amy said...

Wow, amazing! I could so use this right now! :)

Elanath said...

I love lists. This is a great idea. Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

What a good idea! I make lists of lists that I should make!

Felicity said...

Something so simple, so brilliant. Love it!

Heidi Boos said...

I'm in desperate need of a "brain dump"!! This would be a very cool tool for an avid list maker like me. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Oh I would love to win this! I am a list-a-holic!

Teri said...

Oh! I would love to get my life in order and "dump my brain!"

Anonymous said...

Very cool!! I love making lists. It is so gratifying to then check each thing off!! I could sure put this to good use!!

Anonymous said...

This is JUST what I need. thanks for offering something like this!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, this is just what I need, with a part time job, going to nursing school and raising 10 month old twins, I could use all the organizational help I can get! This membership sounds perfect!

Anonymous said...

I am such a list maker but a very unorganzied one. I would love to try this.

Deanna said...

I've always been a listmaker. This sounds perfect for me!

Anonymous said...

Hrm as the baby brain has set in this would be a really useful tool! I'm a keen list maker- my MIL laughs at me when she saw one of my lists had "write shopping list" on it. EVERYTHING must be on a list!
mountaingoats AT hotmail DOT com

SNAP! said...

This website rocks. Thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

I'm a list junkie! But why does that still not help me be more organized! :(

Loving your blog! Thx! Tracey

Gay Stricklin said...

Oh I need this idea!!!!

LDS Mom said...

Thanks for the reminder! I need a brain dump. I'm off to make my lists right now!

Anonymous said...

I really, really need this. I love lists and with the school year approaching and a new job for me, I need lists more than ever.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE to make lists so this would be awesome for me!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love making lists. The problem is crossing things off the list. I might have to get a subscription to this site.

luvmy2cs said...

I am a new SAHM (in training) of 4.5 months and this would help tremendously!!!

jmischler said...

I have seen her site and have thought about joining. Thanks for the review!

Anonymous said...

ooh, I would love this!I'm a definite list checker, and cross-offer.

Erika said...

I definitely could use a brain dump!

Reagan said...

Very interesting. I'll have to check this out.

Anonymous said...

I am so in need of this right now. School starts soon and the summer got away from me!

Mama Yo said...

Wow - I'm a bit crazy brained right now. This sounds perfect!

April said...

It really does sound perfect!

"Intentionally Katie" said...

Sounds good to me!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Lists? Organizer? Planner? Free? Count me in before I faint. Woo hoo! I love a good list!

Regina said...

An organizer's dream!!! I want one!

Fab's Book Spot said...

Wow I wish I could have a brain dump there just seems so many things in the air always that I am afraid to even start to think what next.

Anonymous said...

With four kids four and under, I have a sever case of mommy brain! This sounds really helpful!

Anonymous said...

Help! I can use it :-)

Anonymous said...

I could definately use this with school starting back.

Melissa said...

Wow, this looks like a great site! I could definitely use this.

Dana said...

looks neat!

Anonymous said...

OK, it must be just me, but the thought of putting my lists online makes me cringe. It's one extra step to take before actually tackling my to-do list. Plus, my best list-making takes place in the car with paper and pen ... no computer or Blackberry in sight.

I'm feeling like a list fuddy-duddy ... but best of luck to those who try the site!

Amy said...

Man I could use that!!!

Hautemama said...

Oh wow! That is the motherload of lists! Count me in!!! Pick me! Pick me!! :)

hautemama at live dot ca

Kris with a K said...

Oh, good gravy! I love lists! LURVE them! I just have a hard time with having too many lists going at once....this could really help!

Laura said...

Oh Elaine I just wanted to pop in to say that the lists on List Plan It are lists you print out and use. Sorry I wasn't more clear.

cathy said...


I have six kids, 9 and under. I could use this so that I can brain dump all that is in my head, and the 6 lists on my kitchen planner!

I'd bet I could sleep WAY better at night!

Thanks for sharing this!

Darcie said...

This sounds amazing! Thanks for letting us know about it!

Antoinette said...

Yay! So much fun!

chooverwi said...

what a great site! Thanks for sharing it with us.

B's Mom said...

LOL, Laura if I didn't know better I'd swear you had been reading my mind...and I'm sure it would make you very tired. I've got so much going on that it is unreal. I could really use some help with organizing all the crazy thoughts going through my head right now. Thank you for finding such good things and offering us a chance to share!

Anonymous said...

Love the idea! Thanks for a great contest; please enter me as well. :)

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Okay I not only want this I NEED this right now in my life! PLEASE enter me. Crossing my fingers that I win! Thank you for the giveaway. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Jitterbug said...

Who doesn't need a brain dump when they are caring for large families?! Sounds great....

Anonymous said...

Wow, this sounds like it would be SO helpful! We are about to start back with homeschooling after the summer off and I could use some help getting it all together. I am wonderfully blessed with 3 kiddos, but with a newborn in the house homeschooling my oldest will be a unique challenge! I need all the organization I can get my hands on:)

Tina said...

Man, would I love a subscription to this!

Shawn said...

I currently carry around 3 spiral notebooks, two three ring binders and several file folders in a bag that goes every where with me. It would be wonderful to have a more streamlined (and lighter) way of keeping up with everything. I would sooooo love this!

Angie said...

I could definitely use this. I am a list maker but lately I'm all over the place. I think many of the business and other lists would help me. Thanks for the chance to enter.

Anonymous said...

Looks interesting! I'm always up for some new organizational tools and I love lists!!!

Jamie said...

I love finding out about fancy new deals like this!

Shelly said...

My kind of org tool! Love it. :)

Beth Ann said...

Oh yes, oh please! Please yes I would love to win this...being a Virgo and first born...I have the drive and need for perfection. I NEED THIS!
Please, oh please, oh please, oh please.... LOL

Anonymous said...

Me, me, me. My house is a disaster...we are just getting out of the having babies, bedrest and becoming a mommy. 1 almost 3 year old boy and 2 - just turned 1 year old identical girls. Just getting interested in moving from disaster to sanctuary while trying to keep a very low profile photography business running!

Clara said...

This sounds like the perfect tool!

Sandy said...

Sounds Great!! Pick Me!!!! :)

Rowan Falar said...

Oh I so need this! I'm really good at conceptualizing what I need to do, but getting the hubby to understand requires WRITTEN instructions, lists, etc.

Dawn said...

I love lists. In fact I might love them too much. I need lists for my lists.

Liz said...

This is definitely something I can use. I haven't been sleeping more than 3 hours at a time because my head just keeps spinning with everything and I'm not accomplishing anything. So I'm going to try the brain dump any way and make list

HDMac said...

Thank you! I would love to put my name in the hat!!!! I could really use this!

Anonymous said...

My family teases me about my love of lists, but I can't live without lists! This sounds very interesting indeed!

Gwen said...

WOw looks like a great service and a great giveaway, ME, me, me :)

Anonymous said...

Very, verrry cool!!

bellasimone said...

Glad to have all these lists in one convenient place!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that looks sweet!


Anonymous said...

Hooray for giveaways! :)

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE to make and use lists!! Thanks for the giveaway!

BooLovey said...

Well, since I put this giveaway on a list this morning so I could remember to come back and comment . . . I think this would be a wonderful thing for me to win. I have four children under five and if I don't write it down or have it on a list it doesn't get done. I would write more but it is 11:30 and my youngest will be up in a few short hours. Pick me, Pick me . . . please.

Jabaro said...

Oh how I would love to win! I love lists but sometimes they get the best of me. Winning this would be a nice way to celebrate my 60th birthday on Monday. (I love your blog by the way.)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! This is a dream come true for an anal list-maker such as myself! Since having my 2nd child almost 3 months ago, however, my list-making abilities have taken a back seat to all-night feedings and diaper changes and now the housework and finances are beginning to suffer!
markandnoell at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, an organizational freak's dream tool. Count me in!

kamewh said...

I make lists for everything!! This would be perfect for me :) Thank you for the giveaway!

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

I'm such a list junkie! I make lists for everything and now I've got my hubby and son doing the same. I know we could find lots of great uses for lists over at listplanit (love the name play!)

I've also blogged about the giveaway here:

Southern Gal said...

I'm trying to get more organization in my life right about now. I homeschool and we're beginning the new school year shortly. I think this would definitely help me out!!

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've visited this site - linked by someone else. What a great organizer!

Crazy MomCat said...

I am a list maker and this looks neat. Hope I win!!!

WritRams said...

OOO-OOO-OOO! Pick ME! I'm so OVER my Mayhem & Foolishness - and just blogged about it before I made it over and saw this! Now it that's not a sign, what is?!?!

Anonymous said...

I am a list maker. Icould use some new ideas.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I would love to see how her lists could help me in my life! Thanks for the chance! Cammie at cammieloub @ yahoo . com

NeedANap2 said...

I could definitely use some help!!

Debie Napoleon said...

I am always in need of lists - keeping the decorating business and home busines on the same list but more organized would be great.

Anonymous said...

I need a good brain dump. Maybe I would sleep better then. Funny thing is I LOVE LOVE LOVE lists and downloadables so why don't I use them more.

I have to check this website out.

Rachel said...

I just LOVE lists, this is such an awesome give-away! Please enter me! rachelsaves at gmail dot com


Anonymous said...

What a neat service! Thanks for the chance to win!

Joan J said...

I'm an avid list maker. I start every day by making my daily To Do List. To be organized in my list making would be heaven! Sign me up, please.

wigget said...

i could certainly use this service to organize my life!

Anonymous said...

I could definitely use a service like this because I am quite organizationally challenged.

Rachel said...

I'd love to win and its been ages since I won anything too!

Faith-in-One said...

I was just doing some research on this and ran into a bunch of sites but not list plan it. :) THANK YOU for the great review and your site! It's a life-saver!

Anonymous said...

I could soooo use this. I make lists and then leave home without them or misplace them.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!!! These will be wonderful. My husband cannot stand all my can he not understand how satified I feel everytime I get to cross off something else!!!!!!

Trisha Hugulet

Erin, The $5 Dinner Mom said...

I have major list issues...inherited from my father! I always have multiple lists going and feel a GREAT sense of satisfaction from crossing items off the list!
Pick me! Pick me!

{deflated notions} said...

okay yippee...
is there an option for a little man to crawl in my head and actually obtain the information to place onto paper??? :)

Karina said...

did i make it in time?

Sandi D said...

oh yes! I love lists!
woo hoo!